Professional Animal Names
Over years, horse breeds have developed distinctive characteristics. Selective breeding has influenced what horses will look like and how they will move. Each horse within the various breeds has individual characteristics of an instinctive nature—the urge to be a leader, a follower, to be good-natured or hostile, to flee or to fight.
Also embodied in the horse are personality characteristics. Where do these characteristics come from? When language in the form of name is attached to a horse, the nervous system responds and reflects the conditions and qualities of intelligence of the name. Some horses are loving and kind, others temperamental, some respond only to one person, and others love the crowds, some show fear (which can also be the result of ill treatment), and in others there is that urge to please to name just a few qualities.
When we think about memorable outstanding horses, what stands out is their lightning speed and tenacious personalities. Not only did breeding have a lot to do with their stamina and power, but the qualities of their names gave them the urge to run, the urge to be in front, the drive in their nervous systems, the urge to please which led to their outstanding performances. The nature and qualifications of a racehorse may be determined through the name.
Those great horses whose phenomenal careers were of short duration, ending in sudden death or serious accident, were taken into those experiences through the names by which they were known. Name is a powerful influence. Nothing happens in life without cause.
Naming your Foal
There is no question that naming a foal nowadays presents a daunting challenge. Let us help you find a name that meets the rules and regulations of your country. Not only will the name meet the standards but will create qualities of stability, endurance, and pleasantness. Remember that your personality qualities must harmonize to your horse. He is a very sensitive creature!
Contact us to set up a complimentary consultation at 1-866-489-1188 (north America) or 604-263-9551 (International) or email: Lorenda Bardell (sales@KalexA1BusinessNames.com)
Professional Animals and Pure Bred Registered Animals
A name for a performance animal creates an energy within the actions of that animal. Although animals are instinctive and express an intelligence relative to their species, they also visibly respond to the greater intelligence of the human mind. In the wild, animals are wary of the human. In domesticated situations the animal becomes subordinate, and responsive to direction and training. In many cases they become highly proficient, knowing instinctively what the human wants, and can be seen to take pleasure from doing what is being asked of them through the training process.
Attaching a name is a human action. The intelligence of language, consciously used and applied to the animal creates aspects of character that go beyond the natural instinct of that species. The names we give our animals is an application of human intelligence superimposed upon their brain that alters the natural or relative instinctive responses. A properly balanced name will be a positive moderating influence which will reflect in the overall characteristics that the balanced name creates. The use of a balanced name will moderate the animal inconsistencies and nurture a positive reshaping of the traits exhibited within that particular animal. In humans the name affects our individual thinking pattern. In animals the name affects the underlying qualities of temperament and responsiveness of the animal to general contact, or for specific intended purposes. Consistency in training helps the animal to know what is expected and the behaviour becomes reliable.
Animals respond to training. We see this in the various expressions of aggression as conditioned responses to mistreatment, or to the deliberate and specific training of a guard dog for example. We may also see it in the likability of the animal through its responses to human contact when shown love, care and kindness. In all cases they respond to the over-riding influence of human mind and to human emotion.
A balanced name for a rescue dog, for example, will allow a greater harmony to express within its response to your guiding hand. It will allow a more pleasing temperament to be developed - free from the unnatural stresses caused by a discordant name, which can many times reflect in poor health for the animal. It will also help to moderate the temperament of the animal should there be issues caused from mal-treatment in the prior ownership.
Contact us to set up a complimentary consultation at 1-866-489-1188 (north America) or 604-263-9551 (International) or email: